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Author: Kamyar Houbakht

Interview with Eliza Soufli Natural Presence. In the era of conscious photography Στην εποχή της συνειδητής σχέσης με την καλλιτεχνική φωτογραφία

“The power of the image lies in the image itself and not in its story. It is in the nature of the mind to want to know: it needs stories, labels, logical correlations. But when we think we know, we lose the meaning.”     I had gone down to Piraeus. It was early December but the weather was still very good. Even though I had now been in Greece for about a year, I kept forgetting that I had moved, often giving people my parents’ address by mistake, just by force of habit. So that Saturday, when I visited...

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Time out of mind / Πέρα απο τον χρόνο

These pictures are taken in ‘available light’, and this is important. ‘Available light’ is a term often met with in photography, and it seems quite straightforward. However, it has ideological weight. It came into use during the 1920s and 1930s, and is often associated with the development of the Leica and Ermanox cameras. It is used with respect to documentary and reportage. It belongs to democratic and liberal cultures, and to their ethics. The idea is that ‘available light’ presents the subject in a natural light...

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The Truth of the Image / Η αλήθεια της εικόνας

Introduction From the very first minute of our meeting with Haris Kakarouhas, it was clear that this is not going to be an ordinary and typical interview. We met a warm and intimate person who surprised us with his simple and straightforward attitude. We started to talk about various things in general until our conversation became so photographically interesting that we had to stop and press the record button. In a few seconds we realized that all the questions we had prepared were mostly superfluous and the interview...

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Suspended Time

Photographer: Haris Kakarouhas Country: Greece Book: Suspended Time, Μετέωρος Χρόνος Edition: 2003, European Publisher Award for Photography Published by: Apeiron (Greece), Dewi Lewis (UK), Braus (France), Lunwerg (Spain), Peliti Ass. (Italy) ISBN: 960 – 87442 – 5 – 3 Music: A Silver Mt. Zion – For Wanda

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Haris Kakarouhas

Karkavitsa 3  N.Irakleio  14122

Athens  Greece

+30 6944836717

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